Ivanhoe Park

Park icon Park

Age range icon Ages 2 - 12

This small playground sits amongst the trees, and includes swings, climbing walls, and a climbing rainbow. The parking lot is small (5 spots), but more parking is available in the park across the street. There is one porta potty next to the parking lot.

Amenities Overview

Accessible swing icon Accessible swing

Parking lot icon Parking lot

Baby swing icon Baby swing

Climbing wall icon Climbing wall

Slide icon Slide

Basketball icon Basketball

Afternoon shade icon Afternoon shade

Morning shade icon Morning shade

Wood chips icon Wood chips

Good for a hot day icon Good for a hot day

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As it is surrounded by tar evergreens, this park stays cool and shady all day. There was nobody else here when we visited on a Tuesday afternoon. There’s some construction going on in the fields nearby.



Accessible swing icon Accessible swing


Parking lot icon Parking lot


Baby swing icon Baby swing

Climbing wall icon Climbing wall

Slide icon Slide


Basketball icon Basketball


Afternoon shade icon Afternoon shade

Morning shade icon Morning shade


Wood chips icon Wood chips


Good for a hot day icon Good for a hot day